Sakurako and a Christmas Array
Sakurako has recently decorated an array in a way that it became a Christmas array. It was glorious, until Chefir came and messed it up.
An array of length is called glorious if the following holds:
for every ;
and there is an element which occurs more than times.
You are given an array of length , where is even. You are asked what is the minimum amount of elements that you need to replace in order for this array to become glorious.
A "replace" means that you can choose any and assign where is an arbitrary integer (even if does not exist in the array).
The first line contains a single integer (; is even), which denotes the length of the array.
The second line contains integers .
In a single line, output a single integer, which denotes the minimum amount of elements that need to be replaced in order for to become a glorious array.
Optimal replacement sequence in test case 1:
For this array both conditions hold:
for each
integer occurs more than times in our array.
We can show that this is the minimal amount of operations that we need to make.
In test case 2 the optimal replacement is:
It can be shown that this is the smallest amount of operations that we need to do.
You will receive at least points if your solution works correctly for for every .
You will receive at least points if your solution works correctly for for every .
You will receive at least points if your solution works correctly for .
You will receive additional points if your solution works correctly without any restrictions.